Monday, May 9, 2011

Editing, editing, and.... oh more editing...

I really do have a greater appreciation for the people that edit books.  It is beyond nerve-racking.  There are so many stupid errors that I made and doing the spell/grammar check really is not enough I have found but I figured it wouldn't be.  I keep adding things as I re-read too just to clarify different things and highlight others.

I hope all the mom's had a great mother's day.  Both my daughter and husband gave me cards in the morning.  She made a little plastic flower with lifesavers in the center.  She said it was because mom's are lifesavers.  I thought it was so cute.  And then to top it off, she went out with her grammy and got me flowers.  She even remembered how much I love purple roses.

Well back to editing... how some people sit there and can do this day in and day out is beyond me.  It's a mixture of frustration that I made the mistakes in the first place but relief that I'm finding them before I submit it.  :-)

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